Proceeds from the fish fry will go toward the purchase of a new wool carder, here demonstrated by Ruti and Mercedes.
Friday’s always a great day for a fish fry! On September 6, the Casa Ursulina spinning class put their cooking talents to work to offer a tasty lunch for their friends and neighbors. On a series of Fridays this year, this group has been putting in extra time creating fresh Chilean favorites for sale — like empanadas, sopaipillas, and completos — lavish hotdogs stuffed with avocados, tomatoes and other dressings.
The proceeds of all these projects go toward the purchase of a new wool carder — a machine that disentangles and intermixes fibers to prepare raw wool for spinning. Casa Ursulina now owns three carders — no longer enough for the growing number of spinners and our commitment to provide fine wool yarn for the KidKnits company in the United States.
The women know they’ll have to plan a lot more fundraisers to reach the $500 cost of the carding machine. To date, they’ve raised about $200. They’re determined, and when Casa Ursulina women are determined, great things can happen!
Here are some photos of fun at the fish fry.