The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph are a vibrant group of women who minister to the needs of the communities in which they serve, in areas such as education, pastoral ministry, nursing, social justice and a variety of other arenas where they have been called by God. The Ursuline Sisters currently serve in six states and in Chile, South America.
They are guided by their core values of Prayer, Service, Empowerment, Justice and Contemplative Presence, all in the spirit of their founder, Saint Angela Merici. If you’ve met an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph, chances are you were greeted warmly, served passionately and listened to as if you were the most important person she has ever met.
This website reflects just some of the ways the Ursuline Sisters are reaching out to serve God’s kingdom on earth.
Mission Statement
We, the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, sustained by prayer and our vowed life in community, proclaim Jesus through education and Christian formation in the spirit of our founder, Saint Angela Merici
Vision Statement
As Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph, we will:
*Commit ourselves to simplicity, hospitality, justice and service
*Reverence the values of our founding rural heritage
*Live and minister contemplatively as women of hope
*Witness Gospel values through the charism of Saint Angela Merici
*Bind ourselves to one another in charity, celebrating and respecting the uniqueness of each person
*Invite and mentor new members
*Respond to the signs of the times and the needs of the Church and the world through collaborative relationships
*Stand in prophetic witness to the world by living in right relationships with the earth and the human family to effect justice through systemic change
To learn more about how the Ursuline Sisters came to be, check out this video: