We plant the “seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing they hold future promise.”
Prayer of Oscar Romero (Prophets of a Future Not Our Own)
The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph celebrated 150 years of service in 2024 by looking back at our history. Now we look to the future serving as the voice of hope in a struggling world. Our Sisters are serving through prayer, in education, in parishes and in nonprofit organizations. The impact of the Ursuline Sisters is immeasurable. The following are just a few of the words people shared with us about the Ursuline Sisters in the past year…
“I will always cherish the words of wisdom from Sister George Mary (Hagan). She shared that her retirement years at Maple Mount are years God gives her to pray for others. She reminds me how prayer changes our lives. I know God works through her to encourage and teach me as his love is manifested in our friendship. She is a blessing, and I thank God for her.” – Joyce Knight
“Sister Mary Celine (Weidenbenner) stands out as one of the most influential figures in my life due to teaching my children, who are now grown. Her support and love has given many the strength to face adversity with resilience, and her encouragement has pushed many to exceed their own expectations. She has shown my family the beauty of empathy and how a simple act of kindness can ripple through the lives of others.” – Brad, Tonya, Ethan and Hunter Smith
“Sister Angela Fitzpatrick ministered to the elderly at Holy Trinity Parish in Kansas City in the 1970s, visiting and taking communion to the homebound. She saw a need to provide transportation services for the elderly who could not afford a taxi. She wrote a grant and got funding for Dial A Ride. The program was so successful that the city transportation services took it over and now provides services to all in Kansas City, thanks to the work and dedication of Sister Angela.” – Rev. Gerald Waris
Saint Angela Merici taught all her Ursuline Sisters to “Have hope and firm faith in God, for he will help you in everything.” The Ursuline Sisters continue to need your support to carry on their mission, and to help others live each day in faith and hope. Please consider a gift of $151 in honor of the next 150 years of Ursuline Sisters.
The Sisters appreciate any gift you can make.
Blessings of Peace,
Sister Sharon Sullivan, Congregational Leader
Carol Braden-Clarke, Director of Development
You can be a partner in this mission – do your part by supporting the ministries of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph and donate to our 2024-25 Annual Appeal, “Plant the Seeds.”
Donate to the Ursuline Sisters