CELEBRATE! It’s a magic word at Casa Ursulina, and one that always draws an eager group of women to the “Ursuline House” in Chillán, Chile. For Sister Mimi Ballard and the women of the CU community, August is a special month of celebration. As the cold, wet winter begins to mitigate, it’s time to remember August 23, 1997 — the day when Sister Mimi and a dedicated group of Chilean women actually began working at Casa Ursulina. Finally, their ministry had a home!
This year’s celebration began on the 23rd with Sunday Mass at the parish church. During the offertory, Casa Ursulina representatives presented donations of food to be given to the Parish Social Action Committee for distribution to the needy of the area.
The next day, there was a packed house at Casa Ursulina, as about 100 women gathered to express gratitude, and for food and fun. “Fun” took the form of BINGO, which seems as popular in Chile as it is in the States.
Luisa Espinosa sent us the photos below — graphic evidence of the joyful spirit of the women of Casa Ursulina.