This Sunday’s scripture readings included two of my favorites–the call of Samuel and the call of Peter. I was particularly struck this time by the fact that both calls were mediated in some way by other persons. Samuel needed a wise spiritual guide to help him understand that his call was from God (I resolved then and there to make my first appointment with my new spiritual director here in NYC)!
And for the first time I noticed the “chain call” required to get Peter where he belonged: John the Baptist recognized Jesus, and pointed him out to two of his own disciples. One (Andrew) passed on the call to his brother Cephas, and the rest is history. It renewed my awareness and gratitude for all the calls that have been made clear to me by other people–most recently the powerful call I felt to this new ministry, in service with the religious NGOs at the United Nations. Sometimes we need help actually hearing the call, or just have to be reassured that the call is real, and that we have what it takes to follow it (especially when the going gets tough).
This latest call is taking me into new territory, away from blogging, so this will be my last one for the foreseeable future. But I want to thank you for traveling with me on this journey of discovery, as I blogged my way through this past year of transition. Thank you for your support and kind responses. Hope there are some other bloggers out there who would like to take up the torch, and share their stories! God bless all, and may your own calls be very clear.
I will take our community love and greetings to the New Rochelle Ursulines, where I am spending a day of celebration for Saint Angela’s feast day…


  1. Sister Martha Keller

    I have to agree with Sister Michele, I often recognize the call of God through other people. Sometimes through another person’s comments I hear an invitation that is so direct I have to give it serious consideration. The Spirit of God moves among us and the peace that I notice is often an indication that God is in the invitation. Sometimes the invitation is repeated through several people then I cannot help but take notice. I have been known to be deaf to God’s call.

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