“The Ursuline Sisters came here because that’s what Ursuline Sisters do. They are sent, and good things happen.”
Those were the words of the Most Rev. William Medley, Bishop of the Diocese of Owensboro, as he presided over Mass on Aug. 11, 2024, at the Motherhouse Chapel. Bishop Medley spoke before a full house of Sisters and invited guests to honor the 150th anniversary of the first five Ursuline Sisters arriving at what became known as Maple Mount on Aug. 15, 1874.
“They came in obedience,” Bishop Medley said. “Father (Paul) Volk wanted local children to get an education. … Those first five Sisters couldn’t have known that the name of Mount Saint Joseph would be revered across Kentucky, and across the West.”
The Ursuline Sisters have been celebrating with various events and displays throughout the year, inviting different groups of people who are important to the Sisters. While limited space restricted inviting everyone the Sisters would have chosen, the Mass and reception to follow included the most eclectic group of supporters gathered – priests, other religious communities, Ursuline Associates, alumnae, farm families, staff members, financial supporters, diocesan representatives, Brescia University staff, and family members of the Sisters.
Before Mass began, Sister Martha Keller, assistant congregational leader, offered those gathered a special opportunity for prayer. Father Volk, who invited the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville to send teachers to open Mount Saint Joseph Academy in 1874, had a special devotion to Saint Joseph.
“Every March, Father Volk wrote down his personal prayer intentions for the year and slipped them under the statue of Saint Joseph that is located on our front campus,” Sister Martha said. “Father Volk called on Saint Joseph to intercede for his personal needs as well as this community’s needs.”
Each person present was given a card with a picture of the Saint Joseph statue and a picture of Father Volk’s prayer intentions from 1918, which are located in the Mount Archives.
“Today, we are offering you the opportunity to join us as we continue this devotion,” Sister Martha said. “If you choose, you may wish to write your own prayer to Saint Joseph seeking his intercession for your needs. Or you may list your personal prayer requests on the card provided.”
The prayer requests were gathered by the Sisters in a basket, and after Communion, Sister Monica Seaton, a member of the Leadership Council, placed them before the statue of Saint Joseph in the Chapel. Sister Martha led a litany prayer to Saint Joseph during this time, which began, “Saint Joseph, we acknowledge you as a patron saint of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. In this year of celebrating 150 years of service in Daviess County on the holy ground of Mount Saint Joseph, we seek your assistance, entrusting to you all our needs, concerns, and desires. Knowing your protection is so great, so strong and prompt.”
The Mass began with a procession to “Standing Before Us” that included seven Ursuline Sisters carrying candles – representing the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit – who placed their candles in front of banners depicting Saint Angela Merici and Saint Ursula. Members of the Ursulines of Louisville Leadership Council processed in, with one member carrying a photo of Mother Aloysius Willett, the first mother superior after the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph became an autonomous community in 1912. The picture was placed next to the Saint Angela and Saint Ursula banners. Bishop William Medley later blessed the picture and banners with incense.
The theme for the anniversary year is “Cultivating the Vine Saint Angela Entrusted to Us,” and Bishop Medley referenced Saint Angela and the pruning of vines several times in his homily.
“May the vine that has been nourished here, continue to flourish here with the women who still serve,” he said.
As the Mass ended, Sister Sharon Sullivan, congregational leader, thanked those responsible for the day, and all the guests, then invited everyone to Maple Hall for a short program and lunch.
There, Sister Jean Anne Zappa, president of the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville, read some encouraging words for the Sisters. As a gift for the 150th anniversary, each of the Ursuline Sisters received a copy of “All About Love: Reflections over the decades with Saint Angela Merici,” a compilation of writings and reflections by the late Ursuline Sister of Louisville Martha Buser.
Sister Martha then read congratulatory letters from the Passionist Nuns of Saint Joseph Monastery in nearby Whitesville, Ky., and from the Most Rev. Shelton Fabre, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Louisville.
“As your Sisters in consecrated life and fellow workers in the vineyard of the Lord, we thank you for the witness you give to us and to all the people of God as you live and serve in the spirit of Saint Angela,” wrote Mother Superior John Mary Read of the Passionist Nuns.
Archbishop Fabre wrote, “You have manifested Saint Angela Merici’s directive to ‘adapt to the needs of the changing times,’ through the variety of ministries in which Sisters serve and in your steadfast commitment to proclaim Jesus to all people through the ministry of education and Christian formation.”
A special treat for those gathered was a video from Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, who said, “Y’all have truly made an impact. Scripture tells us, ‘Therefore encourage one another, and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.’ Y’all certainly embody that. As governor, I want to thank all the Sisters and hard-working volunteers for helping our people. Congratulations on 150 years, and here’s to 150 more.”
Sister Monica led those gathered in the 150th anniversary prayer, and then grace before the catered meal. The Blue Bridge Boys, a local bluegrass band, entertained those present during lunch.
Here is the video from Gov. Beshear and pictures from the day.