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The promise of abundance startles us.

I have several spiritual resources that I use on a daily basis and today as I read from the Living Word I was struck by the reflection on “The Abundance of God”. The reflection flowed from today’s Scripture,

Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthias 9:6

Generosity truly does give us a glimpse of God. We do not have to think very much at all to list an abundance of blessings which God has showered on me daily. The promise of abundance startles us….

The memories of a good friend, a sister in community who celebrates her feastday today, Happy Feastday Laurita—the promise of abundance startles us…

The coolness of air condition on a humid, hot day—the promise of abundance startles us…

The forgiveness of a co-worker for our insensitivity and harsh words and actions—the promise of abundance startles us…

The unconditional love of a friend’s pet—Blizten, what a blessing you are to me—the promise of abundance startles us…

The welcome voice of a friend on the end of a phone–the promise of abundance startles us…

Reasons for gratitude break into our lives unexpectantly and startles us as we recall the giver of all blessings. Thank you God for the promise of abundance in my life!