Many Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph attended the Serra Club’s jubilee celebration Mass and luncheon Saturday, Sept. 24 at St. Martin’s Church and Parish Hall in Rome, Ky. This annual celebration honors men and women religious who are celebrating jubilees in the Diocese of Owensboro.
Priests honored that day were the Very Rev. David Wilton, Rev. John Agipito, and Rev. Frank Sherry (all CPM). Ursuline Sisters honored were Sisters Pauletta McCarty and Jean Gertrude Mudd (70 years); Susanne Bauer and Clarence Marie Luckett (60 years); and Helena Fischer, Julia Marie Head, Nancy Murphy, Rose Marita O’Bryan, and Rosanne Spalding (50 years). Also honored were Sister M. Andrea Nichaus, DCJ; Sister Joelle Mauer, SCSC; Sister Theresa Marie Pritchard, CP, and Sister Esther Ordonez, MAG. Below are some photos from the celebration.