The Scripture of this Advent season is so rich. Isaiah prayed…
“Let the earth open wide her mouth; as justice descends, O heavens,like the dew from above, like gentle showers, let salvation fall from the skies; let justice spring up and salvation bud forth.”
These beautiful words of Isaiah, ring true as the feast of the Incarnation draws near. As I gather and celebrate with family, friends, and co-workers I am reminded that all the joyfulness is truly about God’s love for each of us. The God Incarnate is a sign of God’s incredible desire to give us the gift of salvation. God gave us, the Word made flesh, Christ Jesus, infant child, to come down among us, and be one with us that we might be one with each other in peace and gentleness.
Quiet me within, clothe me in peacefulness, that Your Word once again may take flesh, this time, within me—as once it did in Mary, so let me be done unto me. Amen