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Bidding farewell to MSJ for summer

The past three weeks I have dwelt at Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center. It has been a wonderful home away from home. As I head back to Paducah where I am Pastoral Associate at St. Francis de Sales Church, my heart is filled with gratitude as I recall the blessings of these days. I am eager and excited about returning to ministry with the added responsibility of vocation ministry.

My first week I completed a two year spiritual direction training program. It has been a wonderful experience and I believe the skills I have learned and practiced as well as the people I have met to be lasting friends and companions. The second week we gathered as total community for community days and meetings. The liturgies and prayer services each day nurtured my soul and drew us closer together as daughters of Angela. In between there were celebrations of feastdays, birthdays, Jubilee, Associates day to name a few. This final week has been a retreat with Fr. David Knight ad director and once again my soul was fed.

Today I leave feeling renewed and refreshed, reconnected with my Ursuline sisters, ready to go forth and love with Christ, in Christ and through Christ.