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Reflection Day of Prayer

The first Reflection Day of Prayer in 2012 at the Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center started the new theme “Women in Scripture: How Do We Relate?” The topic for January was “Women in Genesis” and 12 women took part in the discussion, led by Sister Ann McGrew, executive director of the Center.

The Reflection Days are the first Friday of every month, except July, and last from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost is $15, which includes lunch. The next Reflection Day is Feb. 3, on “Women of Exodus, Judges and Kings.”

From left, Brenda Kelly, Robert Berry, Ann Pierce and Dorothy Crisp gather in the rocking chair room to begin the Reflection Day.


From left, Marianna Robinson, Mary Helen Nash, Betty Stone and Patsy Hartz share a laugh about a comment Ann Pierce made at the beginning of the Reflection Day.


The first 10 members to arrive listen to Sister Ann McGrew talk about women in the book of Genesis.


Patsy Hartz prays silently at the beginning of the Reflection Day.


Janice Smith, left, Debbie Lanham and Dorothy Crisp enjoy the discussion.


Sister Ann McGrew smiles as she talks with the group about the women of Genesis.


Sister Ann McGrew, left, makes a point as Gwen Menestrina, center, and Nikki Menestrina listen.