Angela’s consecrated life of virginity, chastity, celibacy was a very positive, passionate union of love with Jesus Christ, her spouse, her lover. In this love all her other loves found their energy, their richness and their strength. Her love for Jesus was the center of her being. Her deepest desire for her daughters was for each of them to know, to nurture, and to experience deeply a love like the one she possessed with her spouse.
“I am constantly among you with my Lover, or rather the Lover of each of us.” 5th Counsel
“They should have Jesus Christ for their only treasure, for in him also will be their love. ” 5th Counsel
“And who could resist him?” Last Counsel
“They should have Jesus Christ for their only treasure, for in him also will be their love.”
Reflections and questions to ponder prayerfully: Angela’s life was an experience of love with Jesus Christ. Allow your whole person to rejoice in Angela’s experience of love which she has shared with you.
–Is your love for Jesus Christ evident in the way you share love with others?
–In what ways are you “resisting him”?