The Belles of Saint Rita, an Ursuline Associate group in the Kansas City area, hosted their first Lenten Day of Reflection on March 13, 2016 at Saint Patrick Catholic Church in Kansas City, MO. Associate Marian Bennett, Coordinator of Ursuline Partnerships, and Mount Saint Joseph Congregational Leader Sister Sharon Sullivan traveled from Maple Mount, Ky., to join the Kansas Associates and were hosted by Ursuline Associate Carol O’Keefe. Associate groups in the Kansas City area meet every Lent and Advent for a day of prayer, taking turns hosting. The day began with prayer followed by lunch. Fr. Jerry Waris spoke on the topic “Our Lenten Journey.” Those in attendance, including about 50 Ursuline Associates and their friends, also participated in the Stations of the Cross through the eyes of Mary.
Below are pictures of the Lenten Day of Reflection.