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Joyful Witness

“We believe that our joyful witness as consecrated women is a compelling influence for drawing others to share our vision.”
-Constitution of the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph

Yesterday, our community celebrated the feast of Saint Ursula. Inspite of the Church not recognizing her in their sanctoral calendar, for Angela Merici and her daughters, we delight in honoring and celebrating her witness and influence on our way of life as Ursuline gospel women. I found the passage from our Constitution to be very appropriate to review and recommit to as we celebrate the feast of Saint Ursula.

By our joyful witness and living out of our sacred call, we are capable of alerting other women to the possibiity that our way of life might be a worthy option to discern. I am convicted in my belief that women are still called to be Ursuline and that inspite of the many areas of ministry in the church, our profession of vows and life in community is a viable option. A way of life that is uniquely fulfilling and life-giving for women as well as for the Church of today.

Who is the most the compelling witness of joy and fulfillment in your life?