In gratitude for SISTERS and BROTHERS

The Church established a special day to recognize the gift of consecrated life to our world. We pray for and give thanks to the men and women who publicly profess to live the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Monks, hermits, contemplatives, and religious priests, sisters, and brothers represent the diversity of consecrated life recognized by the church. Those who choose this life are committed to imitating Christ, engaging in his ministries of spreading the Good News, and showing that “the world can be transfigured with the spirit of the beatitudes” (Catechism 932). Their witness reminds all of us that our lives have purpose and meaning beyond this age, their lives also draw attention to how we live our present days wisely.

Take the time to recall a person who witnessed consecrated life in your journey of faith and drop them a written note of gratitude for their witness!