“One day we will learn that the heart can never be totally right if the head is totally wrong.” The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote that in his book Strength to Love in 1963. He underscored the necessity of taking responsibility for the formation of our consciences—including informing our consciences through ongoing education even after formal classroom days are behind us. After all, integrity doesn’t mean simply holding to your principles and actions in tandem with each other. You have to be sure, first of all, that your convictions are tied to more than your preferences, biases, and opinions! To be tethered to true north, reflect on scripture daily.
What a challenge! I have a great admiration for Rev. King Jr. for in the midst of his challenges, I was an eleven year old child and I was moved by his convictions, courage, and dream! For so many he was the voice that cried out from oppression, following his conscience and deep faith. It has been a long journey, and I am reminded of this when I feel that things are moving so slowly. Transformation comes from pain and courage, and for this lesson I thank you Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.