Third- and fourth-graders from Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic School in Hopkinsville, Ky., came to Saint Joseph Villa at Maple Mount on Dec. 15, 2015, for their annual singing program for the Ursuline Sisters.
“I started writing to Sister Jane Miriam (Hancock) seven years ago, when I was teaching first grade,” said Jane Irwin. The principal at Sts. Peter and Paul is Sarah Kranz, a 1972 graduate of Mount Saint Joseph Academy, and she urged her teachers to pick a sister to write to. Irwin and Sister Jane Miriam have kept in touch these past seven years, and now Irwin’s students come at Christmas and in the spring each year to sing for the sisters.
“Now I teach fourth grade, so some of these students have been here before,” Irwin said. “The kids need to see the sisters, and the sisters need to see the kids.”
Here are some pictures from Dec. 15.