Over a dozen sisters are heading to the Ursuline Convocation in Cincinnati. The Convocation offers a time for Ursuline Sisters, Associates, educators and friends from North America to gather for education, contemplation and rejuvenation.
Below are the roles our sisters have in the Convocation:
Sister Martha Keller was a member of the Convocation planning committee. The committee began planning almost two years before the event.
Friday, July 5th breakout sessions:
Let There Be Peace – Sister Michele Morek and Mary-Cabrini Durkin
Sister Michele will advocate empowerment of women as the best road to peace. Mary-Cabrini will discuss citizen advocacy to end hunger.
Clean Water for the World – Sister Larraine Lauter and Sister Mary Ann Dooling
Sister Larraine will present Water with Blessings, a way of empowering women in marginal communities as compassionate agents of change.
Sister Mary Ann raises funds for Wells for Africa, which supplies clean, safe water to women and households.
New Forms of Angela’s Vision – Sister Larraine Lauter and Mary-Cabrini Durkin and Sister Patricia McLean
Sister Larraine will facilitate a conversation on new ways to be a “Piazza.”
Mary-Cabrini will describe the Company of Saint Ursula today.
Sister Patricia will speak about circles expanding in newer directions – in Canada and Peru.
Ministering Out of the Box – Sister Michele Ann Intravia and Sister Carol Reamer
The presenters will draw on their ministry experiences of “serving the poor unconditionally wherever we find them.”