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When did you know you wanted to be a sister?

Today I want to share with you an opportunity that arose to share our way of life with young people. Thanks Alicia for your enthusiasm, passion and love for consecrated life!

Are there other MSJ Ursulines out there who are doing vocation ministry? I would love to hear about your experience as well.

Sr. Alicia Coomes, osu wrote:

The Western KY TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) weekend which was held July 24, 25, 26, at Madisonville, was a marvelous retreat experience in sharing the Paschal Mystery with young people. This particular weekend we had 13 young participants.As a member of the TEC adult team, I felt that vocation ministry was a significant part of the weekend experience. We had time for questions and answers and the question specific to vocations was directed to me. One question was “When did you know you wanted to be a sister?” Of course I have answered this question many times and my response always is when I was in the first grade, I fell in love with the sisters. I told my parents, “someday I’ll be a sister”, and I never forgot that. When I was in the seventh grade, I became very serious about seeking out religious life and that desire stayed with me until I finally made the choice to enter the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph after graduating from high school. In responding to the TECites particular questions and also in my reflection on “SIGNS”, I was able to share some of the symbols in my life that are reminders to me of my commitment to God and religious life. I really enjoyed the opportunity to share with high school youth my life as a Mount Saint Joseph Ursuline Sister.