The Ursuline Sisters have a little Derby Day fun

The Ursuline Sisters in Maple Mount, Ky., didn’t miss out on watching the 2023 Kentucky Derby on the first Saturday in May. The Sisters had sack suppers. They drew horses in a 25-cent pool. There were 18 horses in this year’s Run for the Roses. Several Sisters gathered to watch the race in the St. Ursula community room, while others watched in their rooms. They enjoyed snacks and key lime pie at the party.

The winners “gladly and surprisingly received their winnings,” Sister Nancy Murphy said. Sister Francis Louise Johnson finished first (she is a two-time winner), Sister Lois Lindle placed second (she is a three-time winner!) while Sister Catherine Barber won third. The following Sisters (listed in order) finished fourth through ninth: Sister Kathleen Dueber, Sister Mary Henning, Sister Catherine Marie Lauterwasser, Sister Emma Anne Munsterman, Sister Nancy Murphy, and Sister Mary Matthias Ward.

Sister Nancy Murphy took the pictures. Mage won the Derby, with Two Phil’s in second place and Angel of Empire finishing third.



  1. Michele Morek

    Oh, sorry to miss it! We actually had to go to a Serra Club sister appreciation party, so I had to RECORD the Derby…it’s not the same!

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