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What would it take?

What would it take to end the violence?   In so many situations in our world we are thrown right in the midst of war, crime, famine, abuse, homelessness, hunger and the list could go on and on.   How do you deal with all of this?  I have to ask myself what am I doing in response to what I witness.  What would it take to draw me out of my comfort zone to make a difference?

As I watched the news last night it was poignant that the battle in Gaza has been and will continue to be a long fight.  I cannot ignore all the innocence that is being eliminated not just day by day but minute by minute.  The violence that is their reality is horrible.  What can I do?  After taking this question to prayer the only response that I am able to choose today is  to live the words of Saint Francis. “Lord make me an instrument of your peace.  Where there is hatred, let me sow love.”  So miles away, I choose to send love to Gaza, by lamenting what is happening and asking God to reign in that land of violence, in the hearts of all those who are terrified and in imminent danger.  I pray this day for an end to violence everywhere, starting in my own heart.