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Novena Day 2 Angela, Woman of Poverty


Angela’s poverty was the poverty of spirit seeking freedom to love and serve “the Most High God.”  For Angela, material things were not to be clung to but to be used as needed for God’s glory.

“They should have Jesus Christ for their only treaure.” 5th Counsel

“We exhort each one to embrace poverty… put all your wealth in God; apart from God you see yourself as completely poor… but you know that with God you possess everything.”  Rule 11

“Let each one strive to strip yourself of everything and to put all your good, all your love and pleasure… in God alone and God’s kind and inexpressible Providence.”  Rule 6

“If it had not been useful and suitable for the Company to possess some income, God would not have provided it in the beginning…spend the money for the good of the Company.”  9th Legacy

“Let them hold with absolute certainty that they will never be abandoned in their needs. God will provide for them wonderfully well.”  5th Counsel

Reflection and Questions to ponder:  Angela encouraged use of material things to move us to greater love, to do greater good, to attract others to the Company.  All I possess is gift, am I generous in sharing what I have or acquired, recognizing that I am a co-partner in stewarding God’s gracious abundance.

–Would I be at ease in the midst of my “possessions” in the presence of Angela or Christ?

–Is Jesus Christ my only true treasure?

     –Walk with Angela through your milieu, would she feel at home there?be thou my vision