Lenten journey-Keep it simple

   The best Lenten season I remember is one in which I entered into the season wholeheartedly!  My own experience of trying to journey through this spiritual discipline time is that I either took on too much or did not take on enough.  I believe the best approach for me is to keep it simple, focus on my intentions and concentrate on my spiritual goals. 

   I try to concentrate on one sin, asking God in prayer to reveal to me the area that has become an obstacle in my relationship with God.  Secondly, I add one thing that will deepen my relationship with God or others.  Lastly I give up something that is a real challenge for me.  If I do these three simple things, avoid a sin, add something, and give up something,  I have better chances of completing my journey to Easter with sincerity and success.  Happy Lent!    

asd wed


  1. Pat H

    Thanks Martha…I always try to spend extra time in prayer either by reading a spiritual passage or listening to music…Turning the TV off for an hour or 2 gives me extra time to entertain my soul a little more than usual. Prayers and love.

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