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“Shine like Stars”

“Shine like Stars” Quilt Progress:

As of Jan. 11, the ‘Shine Like Stars’ quilt, pictured below, has grown to three and a half rows wide. The response has been wonderful with over 1,080 squares received and more coming in everyday. It’s not too late to become a part of our mission and the ‘Shine Like Stars’ quilt!



Dear Friends,

“Those who lead others to justice shall shine like stars for all eternity.” (Daniel 12:3) This phrase is printed on the Ursuline Coat of Arms and is a theme in all the work that we do. Thank you for your support of our mission. You help us help others to “Shine like Stars.”

Your support enables Sister Rosanne to shine as she teaches religion to little children who are learning that God loves them. It helps Sister Shellie shine as she brings the gift of compassion to those who come to her for food and clothing. It aids Sister Mary Ellen to shine as she teaches adults about the Church in her RCIA programs. It inspires Sister Marie William as she prays for all of us. These sisters and 155 other Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph are fulfilling our Ursuline mission of education and faith formation. You help make a difference in the lives of all our Sisters and those we serve.

Beginning in January 2012, this community of sisters will celebrate 100 years of service as the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph. In 1912, we were strong enough to support our missions and Mother Aloysius Willett became our first Superior. We traveled to missions in all parts of the United States. Today we serve in eight states, the District of Columbia and South America. We minister as teachers, religious educators, advocates for the powerless and serve as spiritual directors. We strive to ‘lead others to justice’ through our many ministries.

We need your help to continue our work. A piece of cloth is selected for each donation received and your piece will be joined with others to make a beautiful patchwork quilt of stars. It will remind us that just as each star is important in our heavens, each one of us is important in the mission of God’s work here on Earth. The quilt will be placed on the altar on each First Friday during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We will pray especially for you, our benefactors and friends.

Your donation will help many stars to shine as they continue to serve God’s people.

Photos of sisters working to prepare the annual appeal.